Eternal Echoes: Solo Exhibition of Yang Chung-Ming

2022.09.17 - 2022.11.20

Eternal Echoes: Solo Exhibition of Yang Chung-Ming

Education as a Romantic Persistence

From displaying artistic talent as a child to studying at Tainan National University of the Arts, and even being invited by esteemed galleries to exhibit before graduation, Yang Chung-Ming’s path has been one of artistic excellence. However, he chose to establish a printmaking studio, dedicating nearly two decades to art education and promotion. This decision stems from his belief that art should be an accessible and beautiful realm for everyone. This is a uniquely romantic and somewhat obsessive passion of the artist, a near-religious conviction that his dedication will bring light to the world.

Poetic like Literature, Where Reading Meets Exploring

However, the soul of an artist is always accompanied by a burning desire to create. The thoughts that occasionally surfaced during his teaching eventually coalesced into a continuous flow of artistic contemplation, bringing creation back to the forefront of his life. Yang Chung-Ming’s works are imbued with the poetic quality of literary masterpieces, inviting viewers to delve into the spaces between the lines and explore the fantastical universe he has discovered. Whether it’s the silver-laced blackness of mezzotint, the fragrant green jasmine, or the meticulously detailed portraits of lovers on tiny surfaces, his art reveals a profound affection hidden beneath the serene imagery.

Deep Research in Printmaking Leads to National Palace Museum Collection

Oil, ink, printmaking, and found objects—these mediums are all subservient to the ideas they convey. Although skilled in painting, Yang Chung-Ming chose printmaking out of a fascination and love for the medium. His extensive research and practice in printmaking culminated in a contemporary piece that blends Western traditions, as championed by Picasso, with the Chinese embossing technique. This reductive linocut print has earned Yang Chung-Ming the distinction of being the only contemporary Taiwanese artist to have a fine art print collected by the National Palace Museum

Taiwanese Fine Art Prints Shine at Gallery de sol

Gallery de sol has consistently showcased the original prints of European masters such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, and Marc Chagall. This time, the gallery is holding its first solo exhibition for a Taiwanese printmaker, presenting a retrospective of nearly a decade of Yang Chung-Ming’s work. This exhibition not only introduces audiences to one of Taiwan’s most significant contemporary printmakers but also reflects the gallery’s dedication to observing, selecting, and nurturing Taiwanese fine art prints with the utmost expectation and care.