2025.01.29 - 2025.03.30
Entanglement: Let us start with love, in this tortuous year of Snake.
科學家說愛情只是在腦中發生的一系列化學反應,讓人誤以為是命中注定;哲學家認為愛只發生在欲望凌駕理性之時,但卻是鞏固社會連結的充份必要條件;藝術家則直接用作品側寫愛情、反映愛情、挖掘深藏在愛情中的人性與真理。無論什麼領域,愛情始終是難解卻又迷人的主題,古往今來有無數的藝術作品談論愛,而愛從沒有標準答案。在這檔展覽中,曜畫廊將溫柔夢幻的馬克・夏卡爾(Marc Chagall, 1887 – 1985)、明亮大膽的妮基・桑法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle, 1930 – 2002)、以及充滿實驗精神的楊忠銘(YANG Chung-MIng, 1974 -)三位不同年代的藝術家放在同一個空間。他們對愛情的不同詮釋,透過作品視覺的語言形成穿越時間的對話,在逐漸到來的春意中填滿觀者的心。
Scientists say that love is merely a series of chemical reactions that occur in the brain, leading people to mistakenly believe it is fate; philosophers argue that love only happens when desire overpowers reason, yet it is a necessary condition to strengthen social bonds; artists, on the other hand, directly portray love through their works, reflecting it and uncovering the humanity and truth hidden within it. Regardless of the discipline, love has always been a complex yet captivating theme. Throughout history, countless artworks have explored love, and there has never been a standard answer to it.
In this exhibition, Gallery de Sol brings together three artists from different eras: the gentle and dreamlike Marc Chagall (1887 – 1985), the bright and bold Niki de Saint Phalle (1930 – 2002), and the experimental YANG Chung-Ming (1974 -). Their diverse interpretations of love create a timeless dialogue through the visual language of their works, filling the hearts of viewers with the approaching spirit of spring.