2024 台中藝術博覽會

2024.7.18 – 2024. 7. 21


曜畫廊 Gallery de Sol|Room1118

曜畫廊 Gallery de Sol 位於台北文華東方酒店,以近現代大師及當代版創藝術(Fine Art Prints)原作為主要經營項目。響應台中藝博,將以西班牙藝術巨匠胡安・米羅(Joan Miro, 1893 – 1983)於20世紀創作的經典金剛砂(Carborundum)技法作品,以及台灣故宮(National Palace Museum)唯一典藏當代版創藝術家楊忠銘(Chung-Ming Yang , 1974 -)細緻優雅、獨樹一格的藝術表現形式,顛覆大家從傳統印刷術發展而來的版畫概念,走進21世紀版創藝術的當代氛圍。

日本藝術家加藤千佳(Chika Kato, 1994 -)的玻璃藝術,同樣源自於古老的傳統技藝,富有溫度與手感的創作,卻同時擁有進一步挑戰媒材可能性的當代思維與藝術本質所必備的思想與美感。


Gallery de Sol, located in the Mandarin Oriental, Taipei, specializes in fine art prints from modern and contemporary masters. Participating in Art Taichung, the gallery will showcase the iconic Carborundum prints created by Spanish master Joan Miró (1893–1983) during the 20th century, alongside the refined and unique works of Taiwanese contemporary print artist Chung-Ming Yang (1974–), whose artwork is exclusively collected by the National Palace Museum. These works challenge traditional notions of printmaking, bringing viewers into the contemporary realm of 21st-century fine art prints.

Japanese artist Chika Kato (1994–) will also feature her glass art, which, though rooted in ancient traditional techniques, embodies a contemporary sensibility that challenges the potential of the medium and is infused with the thought and aesthetics of contemporary art.

Gallery de Sol is captivated by the depth and brilliance of merging and reinventing tradition and contemporary art, striving to offer collectors new perspectives on the role of art in current life.