2020.12.20 - 2021.02.21
Annual Taiwan Artist of Gallery de Sol: Idas Losin
Where There Is an Island, There Is Me.
以經營國際藝術大師創作為主的曜畫廊,每年都會推薦一位台灣藝術家給國內外的藏家及觀眾。2020年邀請到台灣當代藝術發展中從南島文化出發的重要指標人物–宜德思・盧信(Idas Losin)舉辦個展。
宜德思畢業於台北藝術大學,2001年便開始以藝術家的身份活躍於台灣藝壇。2012年獲得 Pulima 藝術獎首獎,之後更時常受邀參加國內外各大美術館的重要展覽,包括國立台灣美術館、高雄市立美術館、當代館、澳洲布里斯本的「亞太當代藝術三年展」、法屬新喀里多尼亞棲包屋文化中心,以及德、法、美國等世界各地的公私立展覽機構。
此次曜畫廊更與文華東方酒店 MO. Bar 跨領域合作,首次嘗試將視覺藝術與調酒創作相結合。由 MO. Bar 首席調酒師,以藝術家宜德思・盧信的繪畫作品為靈感發想,創作出兩款專屬調酒。於2020年12月20日~2021年1月31日至曜畫廊賞畫,即可以驚喜價於 MO. Bar 啜飲兩款隱藏版藝術調酒(限量兌換)。
Gallery de Sol, known to focus mainly on the creations of international art masters, is currently showcasing its annual Taiwanese artist to collectors and audiences at home and abroad. This year we invite Idas Losin, a Taiwanese artist, who is at the forefront of shaping the development of Taiwanese contemporary art incorporating the diversity of indigenous Asian and Pacific cultures.
Idas is an aboriginal female artist of Atayal/Truku heritage. She is often invited to participate in important exhibitions in major domestic and foreign art museums, as well as public and private exhibition institutions in Germany, France, and the United States. She has shown her works in the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and “Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art ” in Brisbane, Australia, as well as the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre in French New Caledonia, to name a few. Her artworks are mainly paintings, full of poetic contemporary vocabulary, pure clean surface, precise lines and bold use of colors. Idas has a unique painting style approaching surrealism, which embodies innovative aspects of contemporary art in Taiwan.